About Me

I am married almost 40 years, 2 daughters, 4 grandsons, 1 granddaughter and 1 great grandson and 1 great granddaughter

Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 13, 2006

Good Moring! I am getting ready for work, my computer does not want to work this morning. I didn't think my blog was ever going to boot up. New update popped up, I guess it just took a while for....

We got some rain yesterday and last night, then another little shower this morning. It is too late for the tomatoes, help the egg plant and stuff. It will be steamy today.

It has been a long week. I am ready for Friday. My friend came by yesterday, she had surgery on her ear. They made her a new ear drum, she could her me talking and she wasn't wearing her hearing aide. People are always telling me to speak louder, I have a soft voice, my husband is always saying what.

Talked with my first daughter last night, younger grandson got a job for the summer or longer. I think is going to college this fall, hope so. Middle grandson got fired from his job, his mom wouldn't say why, he didn't want her to tell me. She and her husband go riding on weekends, they have little bug cars, they go riding in the woods and back roads just for fun. They have several other couples that go, they seem to really enjoy it. Daughter let her 3 year old grandson ride with papa in his car. She said she guess she lost her spot, Grandson said he was riding with papa and wouldn't get out. She told him he had to get out and ride with daddie and mom, he just ingored her. I thought that was cute.

Time for work.

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